How To Reuse Your Video Transcripts ?
One of the techniques to attract a wide audience and grow your brand is to create videos. However, this method is just the beginning. Indeed, in order to optimize the impact of your videos, it is necessary to reuse the content on different platforms and in various ways. To achieve this, you should transcribe your videos and transform them into excellent content elements for your marketing strategy.
In addition, reusing transcriptions enhances the messages you want to convey to your audience and boosts your brand’s visibility. Do you wish to have more content and reach a wider audience ? Continue reading to discover how to repurpose your video transcriptions.
What Is Video Transcription?
Video transcription involves transforming a video into a reusable written version that can be reused in various ways. You can transcribe every word you’ve spoken in your video yourself. However, if it lasts more than a few seconds, you will waste a lot of time instead of focusing on other tasks. In order to save time and even some money, consider having a professional transcription service like ClosedCaptioner.com handle the task for you.
What types of use for my video transcriptions?
Blog Article
- Present/show your achievements ;
- Inform your readers ;
- Introduce new ideas.
For example, if you create podcasts, it’s possible to transcribe one of the episodes. If in your videos, you film interviews with executives and experts from a specific sector, placing their quotes in your blog article is a good idea. Additionally, you can add graphics, links, and images to enhance your search engine optimization.
However, it is essential to improve and refine it, as spoken words are not ideal for high-quality written content intended for the referencing of indexing algorithms. Additionally, don’t forget to include the link to your video source at the end of the blog article.
“How To” page or tutorial
It’s true that most internet users are attracted to tutorial videos. These are types of content that explain the processes and steps to properly perform something correctly. This could be a video explaining, for example: how to tinker with or repair an object or device, how to prepare a recipe, how to troubleshoot a car, and so on. If you transcribe your tutorial video into writing, it will boost your search engine optimization (SEO).
Copy of the landing or sales page
In general, the explanations you give in your video with a natural tone are appreciated by your viewers compared to the formatted text on your landing or sales page of your website. Transcribing your video can help attract more prospects. To do this, you should select the parts of your content that clearly summarize what you offer and what you do. You can then integrate these snippets into the homepage of your website.
Webinar script
You can transform your video into a webinar script by transcribing it. This will give you the opportunity to ask your audience to interact with you. In this way, you will have the chance to build a new community around your brand.
Snippet or teaser on social media
The term “snippet” or “teaser” can be defined as a collection of images assembled through video editing or simply an excerpt from your video. Once you’ve transcribed these parts, select a relevant paragraph of your text and share it on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook to attract viewers to your full video.
Description on YouTube
- Links to landing pages
- Links to your website
- Additional “recommended” URLs.
- Describing a video also encourages user engagement with your brand.
Translation into other languages
You have published a video in French, but the number of your visitors hasn’t increased. The solution to attract more viewers is to translate your subtitles into other languages. This way, you will gain a wider international audience, and also consider deaf or hard-of-hearing internet users from various nationalities. In addition, translation provides a boost to your search engine optimization (SEO).
White Paper or E-book
An e-book or white paper is an electronic report or guide that aims to inform users in a concise way about a complex topic. Typically, It presents insights from companies related to a specific theme. When writing a white paper or an e-book transcribing a video featuring an expert on the subject, who collaborates with you, can be a beneficial approach.
Indeed, combining several of your transcriptions into an e-book allows you to offer your audience a more in-depth overview of a specific topic. Additionally, if the e-book targets the right readers or internet users, they tend to share it with their colleagues. And as a result, your content can reach a wide audience.
Communicating with prospects in the right way helps increase your revenue. Indeed, personalized communication is essential for attracting new clients. Nowadays, marketing experts also use emails to personalize their interactions with prospects.
However, sometimes it’s difficult to create relevant emails. To make it easier for you, you can transcribe a video or marketing presentation of your brand to get some ideas about recent developments in your company. This may interest your potential clients. These transcripts will serve as an incentive.
Moreover, it is possible to integrate certain parts of your transcribed video in a marketing email. In essence, your transcript can serve as the basis for a newsletter for your clients. However, you should ensure that it is divided into shorter sections and includes relevant headings.
Entrust your video transcription to an expert
By entrusting your transcripts to an expert like ClosedCaptioner.com, you will be able to reuse them in a new format and give new life to your content. Plus, they allow you to reach internet users who might otherwise never have discovered your videos. Keep in mind that video transcriptions facilitate the creation of new content.
ClosedCaptioner.com offers high-quality transcription services at reasonable rates. In addition, based on your instructions, their team can enhance the readability and clarity of transcriptions by removing filler sentences and words, delivering smooth and coherent texts.