How to turn transcripts into data visualizations?
When shaping our advertising campaigns, our ideas and decisions must be based on reliable data.
Each organization has a large database, whether structured or not, from different sources in audio or video format.
Once the data is collected, it must be analyzed and made a visual representation.
Data visualization: what is it?
This process represents the data using different visual elements. Data visualization tools are often used in several professions. We can think of marketing specialists, but also scientific researchers.
Collecting data is a crucial step, but it is only by analyzing it that we can benefit. Representing data in a visual format allows us to organize it to make understanding.
The results are illustrated by data visualization. It makes the understanding of trends and directions clearer. Among frequently used graphic supports frequently can be found:- Maps;
- Data tables;
- Graphs;
- Computer graphics.
How to analyze data?
Different qualitative data analyses can be carried out according to the information sought and the available tools.
The simplest analysis tools are called “word cloud generators”. These systems analyze the text to identify words and phrases occurrence.
Machine learning algorithms are used in further analysis. These algorithms can analyze textual data to identify and interpret emotions.
There are many sources of information available for these algorithms:
Audio data sources to be transcribed :- Conversations with clients;
- “Focus group”;
- Meetings.
- Written data sources :
- Chats;
- Product reviews;
- Requests for technical assistance.
The data collected are then classified according to different criteria. For example, there are classifications depending on polarity that range from very positive to very negative. In this case, we aim to determine the overall opinion of customers based on specific aspects of our products or services.
Using machine learning algorithms, one can also identify and analyze more specific emotions like frustration, anger, disappointment, joy, satisfaction, surprise, etc.
Through these more sophisticated data analytics, we can learn more about our brand perception, products and services by :- Our target;
- Experts;
- Medias.
The provided data analysis gives access to vital information about your current and potential customers. Now let’s see how to better interpret our customers’ thoughts and behaviors brought by our data.
How to visually represent data?
It is difficult, if not impossible, to draw conclusions from raw data analysis. It is common to face an endless Excel file that will quickly confuse our minds.
Several graphical data representation tools are available. For example, you can generate tables and graphs from data collected on GoogleSheets and Excel tools.
To meet your data illustration needs, you can of course use more specialized platforms such as GoogleCharts, Infogram, Flourish, Tableau and many others.
In my opinion, there are enough free or paid online tools today for you to find your perfect fit!
Finally, the ClosedCaptioner team is here to facilitate the task of transcribing your audio data!