What format should I use for my video subtitles?
Subtitles are texts transcripting everything that is said in a video. Some files also include data on the style of subtitles and their position. This is key information, especially for users who are deaf or have hearing impairments. Subtitles are displayed according to time codes programmed to make a line appear at a given time. Speaking of encoding, subtitle formats allow various compatibilities as well as several functions. Each file has advantages and disadvantages for converting text data. In this article, we offer a non-exhaustive list of subtitle formats and their compatibility with certain platforms.
Why is it important to choose the right subtitle format for your video?
The choice of subtitle format for your video should be well-thought-out. Your video must respect a particular structure so that your transcription file can work in the best conditions. For example, if you design a TXT file containing your video’s dialogues, this format will not necessarily work with other video players. It is therefore necessary to work on the video following a specific coding. Classic universal formats like subRip or SRT are now supported by several software and players. However, other video editors require very specific formats.
Besides, if you pick the right video file format, it will bring you many advantages. For example, you’ll save time in your subtitling work by selecting a format supported by most platforms. A format with the possibility of making changes will allow you to improve your subtitles’ style. In the end, it will avoid technical compatibility and display problems with your tools and video players.
When and why should I use the subRip or srt format?
Also known as extension .srt, the subRib format has a role of syncing and easily converting a video transcription according to a readable encoding in the video file. It is compatible with various video platforms and players such as Vimeo, Facebook, YouTube, Premiere Pro or VLC.
The SRT file is often used by transcribers and subtitling professionals as it is versatile and easy to code. It contains lines of text configured in batches, themselves divided via an empty line. The transcripts in this format are successively numbered. Many people choose this type of format for a lot of other reasons. The subRip format has the advantage of being very clear, so it is possible to correct and adjust transcription or timecode errors yourself. Indeed, if you make a mistake, you can correct and modify a passage without having to fully reload your video file.
Being universal, the user can convert the file to another format and recover the folder as a transcript without difficulty. Other advantages of using the subRip format include the possibility of offering various transcription languages. Thus, your website optimizes its visibility, allowing it to reach more targets. Finally, the subRip format is light and does not weigh down the video files.
When and why should I use SubViewer or sbw formats?
By definition, SubViewer is a synchronized subtitle and video playback program. David Dolinski made the first version and the structure of the file in 1999. Dado (David Dolinski) had the idea that if a video had the same name as a file, the program would automatically support both subtitles and video. In this way, it would not be necessary to adjust the video and insert subtitles using editing software. This new concept of combining two different files has allowed us to optimize and develop the production and integration of subtitles in many television series and films, in various languages.
Thus, in order to design a subtitle file, a text file editor is sufficient. Before that, it was essential to write two lines for a sentence to appear. A second widely used version of SubViewer was created in 2000. Since then, devices from the manufacturers of Divx and DVD players are progressively compatible with sbw subtitles. Nowadays, this mention of compatibility can be found on some models of media player or Divx.
When and why to use MPsub?
The MPsub format, with its full name “MPlayer Subtitles Format”, is a subtitle video file designed by MPlayer. This type of file is readable by various software and applications on Windows, macOS, Linux, or Android. Currently, the best-known software that can handle MPsub video files is VLC Media Player. The MPsub format contains a dump of subtitles of videos that have been converted from other documents that contain subtitles like a .SSA.
Besides, you may not be able to open the MPsub file on your computer for many reasons. For example, your computer may not have any MPsub-compatible software or applications already installed. To solve this problem, you just need to find and download the software that suits the format of your video file and subtitles.
When and why should I use the MRC format?
Script files use the MRC format for mIRC. It is a client platform of Internet Rlay Chat or IRC made for exchanges on internet such as group discussions and videoconferences. Indications for mIRC are stored by MRC files and formats as scripts. These instructions are used to automate mIRC performed tasks. This may include protecting users and channels from sending mail and spam or opening new chat windows. MRC files are also effective in designing mIRC development applications. This can for example concern entertainment possibility with simple games. In short, for the mIRC to work smoothly, it is essential to adopt the MRC format.
When and why do we use Videotron Lambda or cap format?
Videotron Lambda is a subtitling file format that can support different languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Indeed, it has the ability to grade ruby characters, horizontal groups of non-Asian characters, or vertical text.
The .cap or “Capture” file name extension is a Wireshark packet capture file format. Note that Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer. Open source is free and has several advanced traffic filtering and capture features for operating systems such as Microsoft Windows or Unix. In addition, the .cap format includes a low-level dump of packets captured from a live network interface. The native Wireshark format is used to save this file for further analysis. It is also possible to export these .cap files in other network capture formats.
Besides Wireshark, .cap file extension can be used by other network analyzers such as Network Associates Sniffer, tcpdump, or Microsoft Network Monitor. You just need to name their package capture files in their respective format.
Cap extension can be considered as the new picture format of BIOS (CAP) firmware’s new picture format made by ASUSTeK. It allows us to obtain some of their CM models or motherboards thanks to Intel chipsets such as the P9X79 PROC. The .cap file is one of the firmware’s image that allows to define a motherboard’s functions depending on the unified certification Extension Firmware Interface EFI or BIOS, which is an extensible firmware interface.
Before using a .cap file in a BIOS upload, it is important to convert BIOS structures in CAP format. In order to do that, you can use ASUSTeK’s BIOC Converters firmware. It is destined for various ranges of CM. You must rename the BIOS Converter file for the CAP update to work properly. The CAP BIOS format is also compatible with other Microsoft operating systems such as Windows 8.
Finally, .cap files can be used to make closed captions of videos called “Videotron Lambda files”. It is often used in video broadcasts or visual broadcasting. As a reminder, closed captions (CC) are hidden standardized or standardized texts (CA-608) that the viewer can activate.
Basically, the .cap file is created by a software that creates converted or coded subtitles from other subtitle formats. It is possible to use it to fill subtitles tracks when designing your videos.
Which of these formats is compatible with YouTube and TikTok?
In this part of the article, you will discover different types of formats compatible on two platforms: YouTube and TikTok.
Compatible formats for YouTube?
For the creation of a video to be a success, its quality is an essential element to address. However, its format also impacts its success. In other words, you need to choose a suitable format for a platform like YouTube in order to enjoy better compression quality. Especially if you want to create a video with a good cinematic experience.
It is also important to note that there are videos and players formats that are compatible with various devices. Indeed, it is essential to choose a video format that can be played on a tablet or smartphone, as the number of users of mobile devices is constantly increasing. Note that if you don’t choose the right format, the quality of your video may be affected. Indeed, it could be trembling, jerky and sometimes even blurry.
MP4 format allows you to store images, audio, video data, etc. in a single file. It can also be used to broadcast video content on any other platform or channel. Besides, an MP4 converter helps you convert your videos to YouTube format in seconds. If you want to insert subtitles into a YouTube video, you can use other formats like MPG, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, WMV, and AVI.
HEVC (h265), CineForm, ProRes, DNxHR, WebM, 3GPP, FLV, MPEGPS are also some codecs supported by YouTube. In addition, scc, rt, ttml, sub, sbv and srt formats are among those that are compatible with the platform.
Compatible formats for TikTok?
TikTok appeared a few years ago and its popularity keeps on growing. It’s a way for influencers and brands to expand their audience. This social media only works from video files. However, it is necessary to adapt the video format to the platform.
TikTok users can only publish videos in MP4 and MOV formats on the platform. However, the social network also accepts other formats, such as 3GP, MPEG and AVI for video ads. Regarding the size of the video file, it varies depending on which operating system you use. On IOS, files up to 287.6 MB are supported by the platform. On the Android version of TikTok, the video size that can be received is 72 MB. Moreover, maximum dimensions of videos on the social network are of 1080×1920 pixels. However, bottom and top have a minimum margin of 150 pixels, as well as 64 pixels for the different sides of a screen.
Finally, TikTok’s subtitle editor gives users the ability to automatically or manually add subtitles to their videos. In case you opt for SRT files which are compatible with the platform, it is important not to forget to make the necessary adjustments for synchronization.